Monday, March 1, 2010

One Day At A Time

As time goes on and the initial excitement of starting a shop goes away then reality sets in....oh ok now I have to get people to look at my work and want to purchase my stuff.  I don't consider myself and artist, just someone who enjoys making things.  I have always been that way since I can remember.  My mom always encouraged me to try anything creative and supported me in these endeavors.  My only problem was chosing one and perfecting my skills.  It wasn't until I was older with a family of my own that it does take practice to master any skill. 

I hope that in time things will get moving.  Some things cannot be rushed and I need to stay hopeful and not give up.  I hope anyone else that reads this who is struggling with anything new that giving up is never knowing what may happen.  The sayings about it is the journey not the destination must have been written by someone with great knowlege and patience.

I hope to get new items in my shop soon.  I am currently working on more accessories like change purses to go with the pocketbook which I am proud of creating and able to accomplish. 

I welcome any suggestions, comments, advise or anything you want to add.

More on the journey as things progress...

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